Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Wear It or Eat it Challenge!

Wear it or Eat It Challenge

Hey guys, don't have anything to do with your friends, well we have the solution for you. This is known as the Wear it or Eat it challenge and it's becoming one of the most popular challenge on the internet. The main aim of the challenge is that either delicious or disgusting food will be selected by an individual and they can decide to wear it or eat it. This however will create quite messy. Warning some contents of food can create vomiting and/or nausea.

Original Video Link:

How to play the Game:

1 - Edible Food will be placed in random bags.

2 - Each player will then be required to pick a bag at random.

3 - They will then view the content of the bag and decide whether to wear or eat it.

4 - If the person should decide to eat the must completely swallow the food, if they are not able to do so then they must wear it. 

5 - If the person elects to wear the food they must literally wear the food on the their body.

6 - The individual who is able to eat the majority of his/her selected food is the winner.

Arnott's Shapes - Old vs New

What happened to Shapes?

Just recently, the Arnott company has decided to introduce new flavours to the iconic 'Shapes'. Doing this, would also discontinue the original Shapes flavors manufacturing. This decision has created an uproar to many customers, especially long time purchasers that rely on Shapes as their staple lunch food.

Reactions to the Decision

There have been a mixed reactions based on the decision Arnotts have made with their 'New and Improved' product. Many being negative comments on the change, often quoting the famous saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". This has caused quite a stir in the Australian community due to the iconic flavour Shapes had and for them to change it to make it cheaper for themselves is just too much. Many people have expressed their views on the matter, some even creating videos such as this one below taste testing the new flavors:

Where do you stand on this issue??

Image from: http://rack.1.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDE2LzA0LzI4LzEzLzVkM2ZhYjk1ZDUzLmYzNDJmLmpwZwpwCXRodW1iCTk1MHg1MzQjCmUJanBn/9ed19173/32d/5d3fab95d5364e93b5152139fa0daf78.jpg
Video from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFYom9HnPwo